I had absolutely no idea of what to expect going into this film. At first, it seemed like a lovely romantic entertaining story but my expectations were neither high nor low. It was surprisingly depressing and I was caught by the drama within the film which is the only reason why I liked this film. The reason why I found this film rather flawed was because the story was a mess and it couldn't exactly get at what is really going on within the film. I felt lost in the first hour of the film but when the real drama got involved, I started to like it. I have to say that The Time Traveler's Wife is one of weirdest films that I have ever watched. It is definitely one of those films that will capture your imagination. I was totally surprised at how depressing this film turned out to be and I feel that it does make you think about things in life that we all should appreciate.
I don't really like Eric Bana very much as an actor but I thought he was actually really good in this film as Henry. Henry is a man who suffered a heartbreaking tragedy when he was a child: his mother's death and since then he started to travel in time. One thing that I do find weird about Henry is that he doesn't know where or when he is going when he travels back in time. It is like he does it by accident. One thing that Henry cannot do is travel the future past his own life where he is in the present time. Rachel McAdams made a real name for herself in popular yet overrated romantic film The Notebook and her performance as Claire in The Time Traveler's Wife was pretty good as well. It was weird seeing her with brown hair as she was blonde in The Notebook. Rachel McAdams is a good actress to pick to star in a romantic drama because both The Notebook and The Time Traveler's Wife have proved that.
The directing was actually really good which impressed and surprised me a lot. It has an underrated yet unexpectedly powerful message that I think people will think about as far as marriage, having children and making decisions is concerned. The script was good but I have heard that the story falls apart when compared to the novel.
Overall, The Time Traveler's Wife is a beautifully-flawed film that I enjoyed watching but wouldn't watch again. I find it to be The Notebook of 2009 and it could be a bit of a popular film.