This Means War is pretty much what you'd expect from a movie that came out on Valentine's day. At least it's not a Nicholas Sparks movie. I wouldn't consider this as an option for a date movie, there are better choices out there but, if you're looking to pass the time you could do worse I guess.
This Means War is an action romantic comedy, at least that's what the marketing leads you to believe. It fails at all three. I guess comedy wins, but don't expect to be rolling on the floor and laughing your ass off. I will admit though, Chelsea Handler made me laugh a few times and was one of the best things about the movie. They should have expanded her role, it would have made a difference. Supposely they had to remove a few lines from her in order to bring the rating from an R to PG-13. If those lines were as funny as the ones she said now, then they're morons for doing it.
The action in this movie is nothing special and barely gets the pulse pounding. The romance is equally as dull and the heat between the relationships barely gets up to room temperature. Chris Pines and Reese Witherspoon have some sexual attraction but that's as far as it goes. The relationship between Tom Hardy and Reese Witherspoon comes of as the close friends variety. The chemistry between Chris Pines and Tom Hardy is lame. I didn't buy them as close friends or anything, which is a shame because the movie desperately needed something like that.
When seeing Chris Pine and Tom Hardy, one would think Tom Hardy would be the asshole but it's Chris Pines who's the real asshole here and he ups it up from Star Trek. The performances aren't that great with the exception of Chelsea Handler which is shocking considering the talent. It's clear they were hired for their pretty faces than they're acting which, I don't understand because these three can act. If you wanted to do that they why not get people like Taylor Launter? Instead of wasting the talents of these three.
The ending is so predictable and cute that it almost made me go into sugar shock. Everyone wins at the end which made this whole movie seem pointless. I know I've been bashing this movie a lot, but there were things I enjoyed. There is some fun to be had especially when the two guys constantly try to ruin each others dates. There's also a funny and clever little scene where Pine and Hardy are in Witherspoon's apartment planting cameras throughout the house in stealth mode while she's there.
Overall, this is nothing new that you haven't seen before. It attemps to be funny, and romantic, with some action on the side with only moderate sucess. The action isn't exciting, the romance is dull, and while I did laugh a few times most of the jokes fell flat and didn't work. There is some fun to be had, but the movie water the talents of it's cast. I wouldn't recommend this for a date movie or anything, only if you have nothing to do then this isn't such a bad option.