At first I was self-conscious seeing this movie because I kinda liked the first one better, but nonetheless, ABC Family decided they were going to air it last night, so I took the liberty of watching it and..... nope still nothing. Rhys Ifans... Oh, how I adore thee... Maggie Gyllenhaal was just way to much for me, her character was just so out of breath most of the time, but its because of those pesky children of hers. The children verses the cousins I mean. As usual they all mess about and what not, and once again Nanny McPhee ('Thats small C, big P) enters the scene with her stick, and a bird; now to me I was like, a bird this time?
Anyways, I'm fast forwarding to what I remember mostly.
Right in the beginning, after Nanny McPhee finally stops the children from fighting and stuff, I think it was her big mole that disappeared, wait what? Already? In the first one it took quite some time..... interesting.
Let me just say that Maggie Smith is just so adorable, but since she played the Old version of baby Agatha from the first, she had me question this movie, Is Nanny McPhee ancient? That part where she showed us her rattle and reviled who she was, sort of made me mad. I just didn't get it.
This review is so-so logic for me, I thought the movie was okay, had some falls like "I can feel it in my Bones" part and the flying scene, if you all know what I mean. All in all, decent film, and if Emma Thompson decides for a 3rd, go right ahead, I enjoy her acting. :)