Wrestling is not something i generally associate with priests, and wrestling priests is not something id associate with comedy.
The film follows Jack Blacks character Ignacio, as he goes from the monasteries disliked cook, to hero of the orphanage. Ignacio is a typical Jack Black character a disliked, guy who dreams of better things, that by the end of the film he has accomplished in generally humorous way. next is the character of Sister Encarnación a newly arrived tutor to the orphans, there is obviously some connection between Jack Blacks character and this one although as a Nun and a priest naturally they cant be in a relationship. Next is Steven, Steven is a street thief who steals the orphans bag of broken tortilla chips, its clear at this point he has some wrestling skills as he wrestles Jack Black to the ground.
Later on Ignacio goes back to Steven to ask him to be part of a wrestling team to make money for the orphanage, after deciding to meet Ramses, a famous wrestling champion, they break into his party to talk to him, they are prominently thrown out killing Ignacios hero worship of Ramses. and so the two compete in a number of wrestling matches to gain the ability to fight Ramses.
much like Jared Hess’s Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre is very hit and miss with its comedy, it looks strained, like it should just be a short sketch or maybe a one off TV show. Maybe the fact its a Nickelodeon movie caused the comedy to be off, but comedy doesn’t have to be rude to be funny, School of Rock was a brilliant movie. This film seems to be one of those people think is hilarious or not funny at all, unfortunately, I fall in to the latter category.