Like Breadman, this doesn’t have a story aside the one on the case which is pretty much monster are invading the land of music and you have to stop them.

The gameplay has you collect 8 discs to get the teleporter to work. To attack you swing the Wii remote to use your weapon. Jumping requires you to shake the nunchuck or press the Z button to get through most places in the games. Also jumping at enemies may kill them in a few hits. You also have a projective attack which the more times it hit, it gets more powerful. There are acouple modes other than the normal main mode. You have the Score Pickups mode where you have to pick up a number of items with the 8 disks to get to the next level. Another mode is the Time Attack which is self explanatory. Lastly you have the Hidden Pickups where you have to get 20 items throughout the level to get the teleporter to work.
For the ones that played Ninjabread Man, you might be wondering why this game sounds familiar to Breadman. Well because this is pretty much the same game upset the setting is changed.
This is a picture from Breadman.

Than a picture of this.

It still have the godawful motion controls that barely work which doesn’t help that you try to attack but you can’t while enemies are murdering the heck out of you. Not to mention the jumping is worst since you need to jump alot, the controls doesn’t help and the game lie to you on the Z button again. Both games and the manuels never mention the Z button’s use at all. The level design is on the bland side, not interesting or fun to see the environments and nothing in it stands out. All of this make this game just tedious to play. On the bright side, it is short like the other one so you have to deal with it in only 30 minutes.
Overall this is just a bad game that shows that Data Design doesn’t even try to make something decent here and just copy one of their other games. I wasn't mad as much I was with Ninjabread Man but I don’t recommend this. Well I think another good thing is these games might make for some good motivational posters that are around the Internet.