To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Unfortunately, it turned out that the whole thing was actually based on a rather lame concept which was never really entertaining. The fact that the jokes were all pretty lame of course didn’t help either. Eventually, the only thing that worked was the relationship between Shirley MacLaine’s and Jessica Lange’s characters. Indeed, they had some really nice chemistry together, I really believed that these two women could have been best friends for decades and the movie almost worked as long as it was focusing only on them. Unfortunately, pretty much everything else was either boring or uninteresting or far-fetched or a combination of all three. The ending was also really pathetic as they made Eva (played by Shirley MacLaine) getting in a relationship with the insurance guy who was chasing her. I mean, seriously? It was even more ridiculous than the fact that her daughter would tag along with him to chase her mother all the way to the Canary Islands. I have to admit that I always had a weak spot for Demi Moore but I’m afraid she delivered here another half-baked performance and, to be honest, I can’t remember the last time she actually impressed me in anything. And what was the deal with Billy Connolly’s character? Was he really dement or was it just part of his scheme? They didn’t even take the time to clear that out at the end. Anyway, to conclude, even if I have to admit that the damned thing was rather harmless, the end-result was still rather pathetic and I would advise to avoid it, except maybe if you really like the genre.