The writing and directing is so bad!! It is literally so cringe worthy. Very little feels like Star Wars, but then again, the magic was gone decades ago.
Again, it's like they never watched the original Star Wars films. They basically made Obi-Wan Luke Skywalker in the recent SW films, a recluse that has given up hope.
There are hours worth of plot holes, broken canon rules, severe character flaws. The female villain was so annoyingly horrible to watch. She wasn't scary in the slightly. All the villains were ridiculous.. Yelling and forcing their anger. That's not what made Darth Vader, Bob Fett, Jabba menacing. They were all cool and calm. This is why the direction was just bad, but the even worse writing didn't help this mess.
And why did they make such a big deal out of the light saber. "Go and bury it"? What? He could have just dropped it anywhere. There are SOOO many plot holes.
And the kids playing Luke and Leia were awful. And Benny Safdie was miscast. Another embarrassing attempt to make Star Wars magic.