To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this flick but Nick (my step-son) is a fan and I bought him the DVD so I thought I should give it a try anyway. Eventually, not only was it the shortest (only 75 minutes) but also, unfortunately, the weakest installment of the franchise. One issue was that, this time, they didn't have such fine actors like Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen to increase the acting value. They did bring a few new actors though but their characters were poorly developped and they didn't have much to do. Furthermore, the whole Lycan plot has already been done before and it felt really redundant. Still, like all the Underworld flicks, I can't completely dimissed it because they once again brought some interesting ideas. Indeed, I think it was a good move to add the humans to the conflict but the funny thing was that the humans were barely involved at all in the plot (except for one cop) and it was basically Vampires vs Lycans all over again. And I did like the idea that Selene was frozen for 12 years but here again, they barely developed it (By the way, when and how did she get pregnant? Is it possible for a vampire to bare a child? so many plot holes...). To conclude, it was basically another forgettable vampire/werelwolves action flick and, in my opinion, it is not really worth a look.