Much less of an movie, and more of an adventure! Taken back through the Neckronomicon to the middle ages along with your favorite one-armed bad ass is the third installment in the Evil Dead series. A completley different tale than that of the first two, almost stands by itself as oppose to a chapter in a series. Of course there are scares and an army of the undead, but as far as the overall creepiness goes to the old cabin, this film doesn't have that in the slightest. Not like it's a bad thing, it just a different approach to display the character of Ash as played by Bruce Campbell. Much more mature and ready for battle with everything from miniature versions of himself, his evil half, and thousands of deadites returning to capture the necronomicon for their master, Evil Ash. The humor and fight sequences in this film make it a hard one to watch only once; and out of all the people i have talked with about this movie, everyone of those people love it.
Ash: Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store.
Possessed woman: Who the hell are you?
Ash: Name's Ash.
[cocks rifle]
Ash: Housewares.