It’s the sort of movie which is better than the Mr Collins/Catherine de Bourgh crowd will say; I liked it at least as well as “The Lillies of the Field”, the more famous Ralph Nelson/Sidney Poiters collaboration…. It just seemed more honest.
Movies are short, like novellas, so it can be hard to squeeze in all the angles of ambiguity of real life, that and society can’t change all its assumptions at once, basically, but, I don’t know. You can criticize or second-guess, but to me this is a good movie. It has a message. And it’s fun….
And—there is no music at the end. It’s perfect. You expect art to be predicable, I guess, if you’re not naive—but the ending was perfect.
Credits roll in silence.
After-word: I have to say, I have this another point. I don’t know why I only gave it 8 instead of 9. I guess when you don’t watch that many movies, you kinda take it for granted when they’re as good as a book, right…. But yeah: this isn’t just ~competent, full-basic-good~, this is ~Extra~, right….
It almost spoils you, lol: makes you think that people give a damn about the truth, you know?