this is a difficult film to recommend; and i wouldn't to just about everyone. there is, of course, a small audience that may enjoy it.
first, it is a beautiful film and very well made. frankly, i loved it for what it is. the problem arises, though, that this film prefers to be lush and "meditative" rather than narrative. its a bit voyeuristic in scope. the entire film follows a woman through her daily life. we learn she is somewhat poor, has a handful of friends not many (presummedly), she is a writer researching a famous but famously elusive pianist with the help of a resale book/music store owner, and she is pregnant by her taiwanese boyfriend whom she does not want to marry.
the dvd cover almost tells more of the story than is ultimately discernible here though. her parents are "traditional" and disapprove of her being pregnant and not wanting to get married. the mother expresses some of this in the film, her father expresses this by saying almost nothing the entire film. her friend and bookstore owner is supposedly in love with her (although he mentions a wife and kid in one scene). other than them being in a room, cafe, or in a subway station they don't express anything like feelings towards each other. even the gifts she gives him are more causal thanks than suggestive. then the issue about her being a writer consists of her getting some "leads" from the book store owner, asking a man in a library if he knew him or even of him (he didn't), and asking a bar owner where another bar was that the pianist had been known to be at (maybe frequent). thats all...other than her mentioning it to someone else.
the bulk of this film is made up by people sitting (usually in a room), riding the train, and otherwise in between moments of sound and vision.
if that is you're cup of tea you may like this. otherwise you'll likely be bored out of your mind.
worse i suspect even if you like this long vignette of life passing by, you'll be left wanting at the end. the ending is as 'unspoken' as the rest. ....i'm not giving away anything here trust me....... she runs into the bookstore owner on the subway, he is recording the sounds, they are there together without saying anything (because he's recording), and that is it...roll credits.
so in the end: if he was in love with her, he didn't express it. if she was in love with him, she didn't express it. the boyfriend daddy is never more than a mention. mom expresses questions about her path in life but as a subtle mention. dad, who we only assume knows whats happening, says nothing. the research is....barely there. the writing is...not noted. and....even i was a bit surprised when it ended. there is no answer and barely an end. this is by design of course, but as i've said its going to leave a lot of people wanting something more. its no hollywood/disney story thats for sure. still, i dont' think it needs to be and i in general enjoyed watching it. i would however never recommend this to anyone and i'd have to be in a really languid mood to sit through it again.