Since this movie had received some really weak reviews, I didn’t expect much from it but Nick, my stepson, was still eager to check it out so we still went to see the damned thing in the movie theatre. Well, to be honest, I don’t think it was so bad after all. I mean, it’s not that it was great or anything like that and I probably did appreciate this movie more than it actually deserved because I was expecting something so bad . The fact that I wasn’t familiar with this character also helped and I thought this modern vampire was pretty neat. On top of that, Jared Leto was a perfect choice to play this character and I think he nailed it. Finally, the action scenes were not bad and visually even rather well done. However, unfortunately, I have to admit that pretty much nothing else really worked in this flick though. Indeed, it is pretty obvious that, with such an ambiguous character, they could have simply focus only on him, making him at the same time the main character and the villain of this origin story, which would have been an original and pretty cool approach. Unfortunately, instead, they turned his best friend Milo into the bad guy which was not only really generic, predictable but, above all, not interesting whatsoever. There was also a big fuss about the end-credits scenes but they didn’t really bother me. I mean, why should we blame Sony for trying to take advantage of the Multiverse introduced in the MCU? Of course, it apparently all didn’t make much sense (I have to admit that it has been a while since I saw ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ though) but Sony has never been and probably will never been as savvy as Marvel regarding the creation of their super-hero universe. Anyway, to conclude, I was probably too generous with my rating here but I think it is actually worth a look, at least, if you really like the genre.