Stephen King's work has been growing on me, I wasn't crazy about it before but after seeing and reading more of his books and the film/TV series adapted from them I do respect his style, he has a unique and I think unparallelled way of describing fear, and find his ideas intriguing. In all honesty, The Mist is not one of the best film adaptations. The book was very good, if not great, but the film was just decent. It looks great with great photography and effects, the story is intriguing and starts off very well, the acting especially from Marcia Gay Holden is good as is the direction, there is a strong atmosphere and the soundtrack and sound further adds to it. I was almost though willing to forgive the sometimes pedestrian pacing and clunky dialogue, until the ending let the film down completely. The ending is a slap in the face not only for fans of the book or King but also for those like me saw a film with so much promise, and its tone feels like a completely different movie. In conclusion, was pretty good, if only it weren't for that ending. 7/10 Bethany Cox