I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a pretty cool cast involved and since it was available on Netflix, I was quite eager to check it out. Well, even though it turned out to be a decent watch, to be honest, it wasn’t really much more than that. I mean, they certainly displayed how unfair, inadequate and completely incompetent the US judicial has been and probably has always been but, by now, I have seen plenty more movies about the subject. Indeed, even if the intentions of the makers were more than commendable, I’m afraid they didn’t break any new ground. Their approach was also really biased. Basically, all the black folks were kind, soft-spoken with no bad bones whatsoever (even the prison inmates which was rather doubtful), while pretty much all the white characters were prejudiced, ignorant and even vile. To add a token friendly white woman played by Brie Larson, a character completely underwritten who could have been easily removed, certainly didn’t help. While watching this movie, I was actually wondering what the white community was thinking and feeling about this whole situation. Did they really believe that it was fine to pin down a murder on any random black man just to even the score? Did it really give them some kind of closure? Of course, the impact on this man, his family, even his whole community, was just more than dramatic and this massive issue definitely deserves our attention but the approach chosen for this movie turned out to be rather safe after all. Still, it remains infuriating to see all these convicts getting no defence whatsoever which shouldn’t be the case, even if they are guilty. Finally, how could you still think that the death penalty is a suitable option after watching this flick? Anyway, to conclude, even if it was nothing ground-breaking, it was still a solid drama and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.