...Nothing Will Scare You Again.
For years I tried to get my hands on this movie; but always got outbid or let it slip through my hands at a price more than I was willing to pay. Finally, after hearing too many good things about it I just went for it and spent the extra few bucks to get it. Made in 1976, I was suspecting quite a bit of boring dragged on dialogue and other situations I wouldn't like with bits and pieces or scary imagery. I actually enjoyed every part of this film, from the mystery of who was the killer with the raincoat and mask to the neighbors and relatives of the Spages family who you just love to hate. Starting off at a communion of Alice's sister turned into a murder scene, something just seems off about little Alice. Her need for attention, her attitude towards her neighbors and her interest in straying off into a chest in the apartment complex full of goodies (including something personal belonging to her sister). Before long, the count of bodies increases and the signs all seem to point to Alice, but that's no fun for a horror movie with no twist, now is it? Also a great acting debut for Brooke Shields as Karen, Alice's sister. Not as good as Alice herself, but the way she ended up fit perfectly and played a big part in this films morbid "no one is safe" atmosphere. I know this sounds like a sad fact but it is hard for a movie to make an impact on people these days without tremendous amounts of special effects and/or gore, but this is one of the few that sucked me in to the point where I am missing the food on the fork going all over my face instead of in my mouth due to complete attention on the screen. You know what I'm talking about!
Mr. Alphonso: Psst. Where are you going?
Alice Spages: None of your business, fatso.
Mr. Alphonso: Uh, I'm not feeling well and stores don't deliver on Sundays.
[he makes fake coughing noises]
Mr. Alphonso: How would you like to go to the store for me, please?
[Alice walks off]
Mr. Alphonso: That little bitch.