Since Nick, my step-son, really enjoyed the last Jumanji, he was quite eager to see this sequel. Well, I have to admit that, once again, I was rather positively surprised by the end-result. Indeed, the most difficult thing was to find a reason why they would ever go back but they actually nailed it and it made sense that Spencer with his his low self-esteem would be eager to crawl back into the skin of Bravestone. On top of that, the new levels were quite awesome and Awkwafina was a great new avatar (the horse was rather lame though). Finally, it was a smart move to bring 2 new characters who were some clueless old guys and it was even smarter to scramble most of the avatars. So, it seemed that they had covered the hardest part of the work but, still, they made a couple of mistakes preventing the whole thing to completely work. First of all, like many similar blockbusters, the running time was just too long resulting in some rather dull moments. Another mistake was to switch again the avatars for the final act. Indeed, Eddie-Bravestone was just really hilarious and we didn't need to get back Spencer-Bravestone or the other combinations from the previous movie. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, it was still really fun and entertaining and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.