A guy challenges himself to say "yes" to everything for an entire year.
Jim Carrey: Carl Allen
Let's first begin by saying, Jim Carrey is getting older, unsurprisingly Yes Man shows this little factor off all too well. As does the minute fact being, that Yes Man is another comedy vehicle for Jim Carrey,whom is renowned for doing. Whether it be Mask, Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, Carrey knows how to make us laugh and he knows how to do it well. So why does Yes Man feel to me to be another churned out comedy piece,lacking in originality and diversity? Why does Carrey do a film thats an emulated and tired out formula Comedy Caper?
Let's assume he's going back to what he's good at, he's having abit of fun and that this Yes Man is a bit of fun. Definitely Yes Man results in a brainless humour laden roller coaster of craziness.

So Yes Man has strengths, being when you see past it's flaws and switch of your logical thinking per say, and quite literally go with the flow. It's got some seriously clever characters, Rhys Darby as Norman, Carl's work colleague seems to be hilariously portrayed, throwing some crazy parties that pay homage to the likes of 300 & Harry Potter.
We also have Zooey Deschanel as Allison, who has a quirky romance with Carrie's Carl. Terence Stamp pops up as Terrence Bundley, the YES founder, and Bradley Cooper & John Michael Higgins playing Carl's mates.
So Yes Man is about a man named Carl Allen, who is always saying no and making excuses for events and people in his life. All of a sudden one day, a situation presents itself, in the form of a form of positiveness, wherein a group of cult-like attendees, always say yes to life. This group is led by a very white haired Terrence, whom makes Carl take up the Yes way of life.
From here on in, the story shifts from gimmicky comedy, to the more subtleties of character development and romance between the energetic pair. This shift in gear helps break Yes Man away from its early Bruce Almighty styled antics, with its soulless scenes of illogical chaos, and develop those who inhabit the screen into characters we become embroiled with. Carrey, who adopts a tone here that is similar to his work in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(his finest serious acting film), manages to establish a distinctive plausible mix of genuine warmth and his usual shtick and slapstick; those who appreciate both sides of the actor will get a lot out of it, though one suspects many will only be distracted by the more zany sides of Carl. On the opposite side of the story, Zooey Deschanel plays a role not that dissimilar from her earlier effort from this year in The Happening, but is certainly given alot more to do here. As a love interest, Deschanel is as alluring as she need be, and counterbalances her softer core with a welcome independent edge.
Of course, Yes Man isn't all yes, of course, there are flaws, and one cannot help but be somewhat critical towards proceedings. Yet despite the pacing issues, and a lack of drama or conflict that feels natural or warranted, there nevertheless remains an enjoyable, heart-warming core to Yes Man's story that is very hard to refute. There will be moments, when you may look at your mobile, perhaps wonder where your pop corn has all gone, at the movie's more OTT antics, which clash with the adult-orientated parts, but by the time the credits roll, there's little doubt that you'll be feeling uplifted, warm and fuzzy from the hysterical.
As far as comedy or romance goes, Yes Man is by no means anything new, in fact both elements are still and unprecedented, for a large part of the feature, but as a character-drama, the feature remains compelling to watch transpire. For that reason, I recommend this to those who want something fun and not necessarily original or high in the thinking department, but at the same time, more contemplated, more reserved in nature. There are strong moments in Yes Man, yet these are moments of mere background explosive temperament, contrasted against sweet melody that is played in the foreground. Also wait for the credits for a nice addition of footage accompanying the credits for some same styled fun, along the lines of the film's feel.