Back then, when it was released, this flick was a huge success at the box-office and even surprisingly won the Best Animated Feature Film Academy award. Indeed, this 'small' Australian production was able to beat the giants Pixar and Dreamworks. All this made me quite curious and I finally checked it out. Honestly, I was rather positively surprised by the end results. Indeed, the animation was quite awesome and really realistic and you had the feeling you were looking at some real penguins but they were still able to make them funny and to give them some personality. To be honest, I'm not so sure about the singing and the dancing penguins but, for the young kids who are after all the target audience, it was definitely enjoyable. The story was nothing mind-blowing but it was entertaining enough and, eventually, I cared about the characters. Eventually, after watching this movie a couple of times, the main issue was maybe that the makers were a little bit too ambitious and threw in too many things in the mix : some realistic looking penguins, some dance and songs, some environmental issues,... Maybe they should have dropped a few things but I thought the whole thing was still pretty damned compelling to watch. Anyway, who would have thought that the guy who brought us Mad Max more than 30 years would make a come-back with an animated feature with some singing and dancing penguins?!? To conclude, in my opinion, it remains a beautiful and original animated feature and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in this genre.