Even though this movie didn't get much love when it was released, since I have always been interested in Tarsem Singh's work, I still wanted to check it out. Well, unfortunately, it turned out to be another really disappointing effort from the once so promising director. I have to admit it though, even though the concept was nothing original, it did have some potential but the biggest mistake they made was to take the most boring approach possible. Indeed, they could have developed the psychology of the main character by making him a selfish a-hole or they could have gone for a dark comedy and make this businessman with no fighting skills face some highly skills henchmen. Instead, they went for the usual generic conspiracy thriller which was just so tedious and the ending was just so damned predictable. Furthermore, after 'The Change-Up', it was another body switch movie in which Ryan Reynolds was not convincing at all. I mean, there was not one single moment that I believed that Reynolds was playing the same character as Ben Kingsley was, only with a new body. On top of that, until that point, Tarsem Singh had always made some really beautiful movies, visually speaking, but even in this area, this movie was nothing really impressive at all. Anyway, to conclude, this damned thing was a major disappointment and I don't think it is really worth a look at all.ย