I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since I have a weak spot for James McAvoy, I was quite eager to check it out. On top of that, the title did sound really cool. Well, the beginning was really promising with a kick-ass intro and I really enjoyed how they made this cop and this criminal follow their own investigation on the same murder case. However, if McAvoy managed to do a lot with his character, Mark Strong’s character felt eventually too limited. A bigger problem was that there were just too many supporting characters involved and, as a result, none of them was developed at all and they were all rather boring. Another huge mistake they made was that half way through the movie almost all the cops turned out to be corrupt. It was such a lame choice and, from this point, the whole thing seriously lost some steam and I kind of pretty much lost interest. To make things worse, the ending was even more tedious when, suddenly, it turned out that virtually all the characters were involved in some far-fetched conspiracy. Anyway, to conclude, even though the whole thing really had some potential, it turned out to be actually poorly developed but I still think it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.