To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this flick but I have seen all the previous installments in this franchise, I thought I might as well check it out. First of all, I have to admit that I always had a weak spot for 'Ice Age'. Indeed, it was a nice little animated feature and it mostly worked because it didn't pretend or have the ambition to be something else and the concept worked fine but, in my opinion, it was something too limited to be really expanded. Surprisingly, Blue Sky still managed to turn it into a hugely successful franchise but the sequels all turned out to be rather weak and this last installment was easily the weakest of the bunch. Indeed, by now, the makers were seriously running out of ideas so they gave an even more preposterous storyline than usual. As a result, you end up with Scrap, still by far their best character, going into space with a spaceship which was more ridiculous than actually entertaining. Another issue with this franchise is that they keep adding so many characters, most of them barely interesting or fun, and by now the whole thing has become just so over-crowded. To conclude, the whole thing was actually pretty weak and I don't think it is really worth a look, except maybe if you are a die-hard fan of this franchise.ย