I have personally never in my life been a fan of the whole Resident Evil thing. I always thought of it to be rather stupid, but that is just my opinion. I have never seen any of the previous films, nor have I even played any of the games, so I was watching the film as if it weren't related to any sequels or games, which is actually not the smartest thing I could have done. Usually when I watch sequels, I have seen the previous installments, which helps me like the film more, and give it more of a chance.
So, what did I think of "Resident Evil: Extinction"? well, I found it pretty entertaining for the most part, I mean, there were plenty of entertaining scenes, including several intense violent fighting/shooting moments, which was cool for awhile, then got very old. I was waiting for a good story to come along. I honestly cannot stand films that just have full on action all the way through, and absolutely no attempt at a story. That is my issue with a lot of films, including this one.
Bottomline, a good film if your are with friends and are just into pure action. A pretty mediocre film if you are watching it with a serious mind. I still recommend watching "Extinction"
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