Mima is part of a famous pop group contain three members, one day Mima wants to quit the group and try acting despite her agent is against it due to Mimas role is a rape victim. After the scene is finished Mimas life suddenly starts to change, her fan website describe her feelings falsely, everyone involved with her movie dies one by one, a stalker is sending her explosive mails, suddenly she see he old self when she was a pop star, talking to her in threatening manners, all these murders are made by a crazy stalker or herself?

Is the movie misleading?
It is but in a good way, everything that's happening make sense, even if it doesn't, it's perfect psychological thriller that things happen and audiences don't know what to trust, but that's what happening with Mima life after the success, you can feel that she s struggles from her old self to her new self which is happening to all actors and singers famous or not, when they are force to retire, the normal life kicks in and it's not easy adopt to your new surroundings, perfect blue show that perfectly and gets a 4/5.

How is the animation?
It's TV level of animation, to compare it with street fighter ii and ghost in the shell, both movies were made 3 years earlier but it's animation is more highly done and a lot f money was put for those movies, but in this movie the anime looks like a tv series, maybe it was its attention or the manager didn't give enough funds because they didn't believe the story would work. And there are TV series that has higher budget anime and this movie like street fighter ii V and Slamdunk. But despite that the story and voice acting is so good and the plot twist is excellent. The movie gets another 4/5 for making the story real.

How is the movie all in all?
Great story and perfect plot twist, it's a great thriller that really know what their message is about, perfect blue is a perfect 8/10 movie.