I already saw this movie when it was released but since it was a while back, I thought I might as well check it out again. The first time around, I was hoping that it would be at least just as visually impressive as 'The Fifth Element' turned out to be 20 years ago. Well, eventually, I wasn't disappointed as this movie was easily the most amazing movie visually speaking that I have seen since 'Avatar'. Indeed, Luc Besson managed here to create a fascinating world with so many different species and, on top of that, there were 2 or 3 scenes in the movie that were just dazzling to behold. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it didn't grow old very well and I wasn't so impressed by its visual aspect while I rewatched it though. Maybe it is one of the very few movies you should watch in 3D and only in the movie theater. Anyway, even the first time I saw the damned thing, I didn't think it was really that great after all. Indeed, even though the whole concept was really generic (everyone is looking for some kind of MacGuffin), Besson still managed to end up with an incredibly messy story and most of the scenes followed each other very awkwardly. I mean, everything looked amazing but each scenes were rather poorly linked with each other with some major plot-holes. In fact, the beginning was promising and the first mission was neat but as soon as they gathered the converter, the whole thing started to fall apart narratively. Concerning the cast, at least, Cara Delevingne was fine but I'm afraid Dane DeHaan was rather miscast and I never though he was convincing playing some kind of supposedly reckless space adventurer. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, I still think it is worth a look but there is no doubt that it was actually rather disappointing and I'm not surprised that it was a huge flop when it was released.