This was another film I waited to watch with my wife. I generally enjoy Steven Spielberg movies and it's also Disney. This is the final writing credit for Melissa Mathison before she passed. She also worked on E.T. with Spielberg and has written Indian in the Cupboard and the Twilight Zone movie. This flopped in the box office even though it's a Spielberg movie which shocked me. It could be that the main cast isn't very well known to pull enough interest. So let's get to it. This wasn't a bad movie, but it's a bit of a let down. There are some really funny scenes and the tale itself was interesting enough. The acting was good as well. One problem I had with it though is it was hard to figure out what era it takes place in as it looked like several mashed into one. Another problem is that it was kind of hard to understand what some of the characters were thinking due to the thick British accents. It didn't really feel like a Spielberg film though. It lacked depth that you tend to see in his work. Still I was entertained at times and I liked the characters. The best scene for sure was the breakfast scene. It's a decent one time watch, but anymore than that and it would be fairly boring.