In Los Angeles, jazz pianist Sebastian falls for aspiring actress Mia, and they soon end up having to cope with the pressures of success.
This has to be one of the most critically lauded films of 2016, hailed as a return of the classic musicals of old. Unfortunately, what impressed everyone else so much, I felt was the film's weakest aspect. The musical sequences often involve choreographed dances that I couldn't help but feel looked very unnatural. On stage, it would look fine, but in the naturalistic setting depicted on film, it just looks out of place.
One thing that didย impress me, though, was the film's use of colour. I think every colour on the spectrum is visible bright and clear in this movie, which makes a welcome change from the washed-out, monochrome colour palate I'm seeing so often.
But it was the second half that reallyย stuck with me, where the songs become less frequent and it becomes clear that the overall theme is dreams and aspirations, particularly of being successful as a performer. It's a very profound and hard-hitting message: success in the entertainment industry is just pure luck.
So I really enjoyed this movie, but maybe not for the same reason as everyone else.
My rating: 80%