I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie and the main reason I wanted to check it out was because it was included last year in the ’1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die’. To be honest, it seemed to be one of these really obscure entries that they add every year just so the list might seem edgy but, usually, those movies are removed directly the year after. Furthermore, I had the feeling that this movie was somewhat surfing on the current hype around the transgender topic. Still, it was quite an intriguing feature nonetheless. Indeed, it was definitely a really raw and realistic look on the life of some transgender prostitutes working in Hollywood and you definitely get another view on the American dream. Furthermore, the two main characters, Alexandra and Sin-Dee Rella (yeah, seriously) were at first rather annoying but, slowly, I actually started to care for them and I came to the conclusion that even though life doesn’t seem to have much to offer for them, they still have some inner strength and even sometimes a wicked sense of humor. While watching this movie, I was also thinking that if a transgender man and woman is not well off and doesn’t have the full support of their family, do they really have another option than the prostitution sector? I mean, to change sex is a really expensive process and most employer would’t hire them for a regular job. Anyway, to conclude, even though I don’t think it was really a masterpiece, it was still a decent watch and I think it is definitely worth a look.