To be honest, it has been ages since I have seen this movie and I should definitely re-watch it at some point. I have noticed that this movie didn’t get much love when it was released but I always had a weak spot for the damned thing. Basically, Wayne Wang and Paul Auster already worked together to make ‘Smoke’ which turned out to be really neat and since they apparently had a good time, they decided to make another feature in 5 days using the same location and some of the same characters using some improvisational style. Eventually, I thought it was really neat to go back to this tobacco shop, to see again Auggie and to meet some other of his friends. Furthermore, I really liked the fact that the tone was really different than ‘Smoke’ and, this time, they went for a really laid-back tone which was just really neat. Of course, there was no plot whatsoever, just a succession of small scenes involving various characters but I thought that most of these little scenes were actually quite entertaining and I especially enjoyed these monologues involving Lou Reed. To conclude, even though it is a rather obscure feature, I really liked the damned thing and I think it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.