I wonder if this movie was the fist one I saw directed by Pedro Almodovar. At least, it was definitely the first I saw in the movie theater and I even saw it when it was released. To be honest, I was rather disappointed by the whole thing. I mean, back then, I wasn’t really familiar with this director but since I kept hearing he was one of the best directors in the world, I had some rather high expectations. Basically, after making a serie of over-the-top wild comedies, this movie was Almodovar’s first attempt to make something slightly more serious but, since it was his first attempt, it only partially worked, I’m afraid. I mean, as usual with this director, the characters were quite eccentric but even though they were fairly interesting, I can’t say I really cared about what they were going through. As a follow-up, Almodovar would come up then with ‘Carne trémula’, in my opinion his most underrated film, and definitely one of my favorites movies from this director. Anyway, coming back to our main feature, to conclude, even though I thought it was eventually disappointing, it was still a decent watch and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in Pedro Almodovar’s work.