To be honest, I never really cared about Tupac Shakur, when he was alive or after his death, but I have to admit that the guy definitely displayed some potential in this movie. Basically, it is a rather obscure feature that pretty much everyone forgot about. Obviously, it was a rather straightforward drug drama-comedy and the whole thing was nothing really groundbreaking but, in my opinion, it was still a solid and rather well made feature. Indeed, I really enjoyed the mood which was fairly realistic and, in my opinion, the comedic elements were in fact rather subtle and they worked fine with the rather dreary subject. On top of that, Tim Roth (an English guy) and Tupa Shakur (a rapper) seemed to be a rather unlikely duo but they were actually pretty good. Indeed, back then, Tim Roth was definitely one of the most interesting actors at work but, for Tupac, it was definitely something else than his usual thugs and the guy really surprised me here. Unfortunately, he would be shot not long after making this movie and it would be released after his death. To conclude, even though it is definitely not a masterpiece, it was still a decent watch and it is definitely worth a look.ย