Best Episode: Live Again! Zyusouken
Worst Episode: Become Small!
Favorite Character: I like most of the main cast but if i had to pick I'd go with Geki or Burai
Least Favorite: out of the zyurangers it would be Mei (i like her as a character but the episodes centered around her were kind of weak)
best Doramonster: DoraTalos and DoraFranke
worst Doramonster: Dora Silkis
Zyuranger to me was way better then Mighty Morphin power rangers by a long shot, but on it's own it was above average, the show did have a habit of repeating morals, bandora was annoying at times do to her annoying musical numbers, the characters never fully changed as characters through out the whole series and it didn't fully pick up until burai shows up so all in all i give it a 6/10