Following his monster hit with 'Jurassic World', I was rather curious to see Colin Trevorrow's previous movie which was also his directing debut, especially since it was rather well received. Well, first of all, the thing that I really enjoyed about this movie is how difficult, in fact, how impossible it is to really define it. Indeed, it was neither a quirky indie romance, a comedy, a drama, a thriller or some science-fiction and the fact that it never truly belonged specifically to one of these genres made the whole thing quite intriguing. And yet, I'm afraid it didn't really work for me. Indeed, the main issue I had was that none of the characters involved was really fun, entertaining or interesting enough. I have to admit it, Audrey Plaza was really charming and managed to make her character slightly more intriguing than the rest but it was still not enough, I'm afraid. At the end of the day, I had the feeling that I was following 3 social losers who were going after another loser with possibly some major mental issues. As a result, to be honest, the whole thing was in fact almost depressing to watch and I doubt that it was the effect that the makers were looking for. Anyway, to conclude, even though I didn’t really connect with the damned thing, it was still a decent watch and I think it is definitely worth a look though.