Thoughts Before I Watched This:
1. Times are still hard for transgendered people these days so it should be interesting to see what it was like in the very beginning.
2. I've always thought Eddie Redmayne had a sort of feminine look about him.
3. I'm sure after this I'm going to adore Alicia Vikander even more.
4. It's based off a novel that's based off of a real person.
5. Tom Hooper has directed Les Miserables and The King's Speech.
6. With that said I'm sure this will be a force to be reckoned with.
7. This is the first movie I've seen written by Lucinda Coxon.
8. The interesting thing I noticed is that 2015 has been open to a lot more transgender storylines.
9. It took America awhile to allow this.
10. Now that it has I hope people will be even more accepting.
11. People are people despite gender.
12. Anyways time to check this out before I go on and on.
Thoughts While I Watched This:
1. Awe the beautiful shots of nature
2. They are such an adorable couple.
3. I bet she isn't shy.
4. Yep this definitely makes me adore Alicia Vikander even more.
5. What a jerk...
6. So that's how it began to come out.
7. Oh man that would have been too awkward.
8. Haha I've had to ask that before.
9. Hey there booty! lol
10. Nice twist of words.
11. I would have been corrupted by them too.
12. She certainly isn't shy right now.
13. Oh man that has to are you doing this to me right now?
15. These have such great chemistry together!
16. He really pulls off this look.
17. I wish I could pull peoples attention sometimes.
18. I thought the mirror scene was beautifully and tastefully done.
19. Ah the misunderstanding of what is going on.
20. Oh that's an interesting revelation.
21. Uh oh what is going on?
22. Chemical imbalance ugh people...
23. Some people are just cruel.
24. The good that comes with the bad.
25. See personally I couldn't turn that down.
26. Well that was different and quite interesting.
27. This guy is quite coolheaded.
28. To paint yourself is definitely proof of skill.
29. Oh come on.
30. People are so cruel.
31. Even more so when they don't understand.
32. Interesting how she was the first, but not the first who wanted to try.
33. Aww poor Hans.
34. Gerda has to be one of the sweetest wives even if at first she didn't understand she grew to it.
35. Everything has become vastly different than when I started this.
36. Such a passionate ending.
Thoughts After I Watched This:
1. I feel like I understand more about transsexualism now.
2. Eddie Redmayne can play women just as well if not better than he plays men.
3. I absolutely adore Alicia Vikander even more than before I started this.
4. Tom Hooper has yet to disappoint me.
5. I wish the supporting characters had more to do here since they are played by quite well known actors.
6. It's not a simple thing to explain why these things happen, but honestly I don't think that's the point.
7. I've had friends who have been through the same things so I wanted to see something that could help understand things a bit better.
8. Anyways I really enjoyed this, but it's doubtful I would watch it again.
9. It's a good story just not one of those types of films with rewatchability in my opinion.