I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick since I have a weak spot for Rebecca De Mornay and Antonio Banderas, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, even if I wasn't expecting much, the whole thing turned out to be much was worse than I expected. First of all, the music was so bad, it felt like I was watching a TV-movie. Above all, aside the fact that the story was really far-fetched, I thought that both leads were just really bad in this movie. Seriously, I don't think I have seen any of them giving such bad performances before. Concerning De Mornay, it seems pretty obvious that she wanted to make another thriller like ‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle’ but this movie was just a massive failure. At least, there were 2 redeeming features. Indeed, Harry Dean Stanton can't do no wrong and shined in his (small) part and the ending, even though predictable, was actually better than the rest of the movie but it was certainly not enough to really save this flick. To conclude, I thought it was a very weak thriller and I don’t think it is really worth your time at all.