- Translation: Aladdin, Ran
- Timing: Khai
- Typesetting: Amarpark, Khai
- Encoding: Aladdin
Let us know if there's an error in our translation and please take translations out with full credit.
We're always looking for translators, timers, and typesetters experienced with Aegisub so if you're interested please contact us on our social media!
Visit us at:
- twitter.com/7DreamSubs
- Timing: Khai
- Typesetting: Amarpark, Khai
- Encoding: Aladdin
Let us know if there's an error in our translation and please take translations out with full credit.
We're always looking for translators, timers, and typesetters experienced with Aegisub so if you're interested please contact us on our social media!
Visit us at:
- twitter.com/7DreamSubs