World Final 2011 - Inside The Look: Countdown to the Show (Ep 7) | Elite Model Look

Inside The Look gives you an exclusive pass to the EML World Final. Watch the full series: bit.ly/InsideTheLookPlaylist
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Check out the 'Best of Elite Model Look International' playlist: bit.ly/BestOfEML
More from EML International on YouTube:
โบ 31st EML playlist including highlights and the finalists: bit.ly/31stEMLHighlights
โบ 2014 World Finalist video portraits: bit.ly/2014WorldFinalists
โบ Elite Model Look hair tutorials: bit.ly/EMLHair
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Flipboard: flip.it/BSCjZ
Subscribe to Elite Model Look International for the latest videos & competitions: bit.ly/EMLInt
Check out the 'Best of Elite Model Look International' playlist: bit.ly/BestOfEML
More from EML International on YouTube:
โบ 31st EML playlist including highlights and the finalists: bit.ly/31stEMLHighlights
โบ 2014 World Finalist video portraits: bit.ly/2014WorldFinalists
โบ Elite Model Look hair tutorials: bit.ly/EMLHair
Stay connected with Elite Model Look International:
Facebook: bit.ly/EliteModelLookInternationalFacebook
Twitter: twitter.com/EML_Int
EliteModelLook.com : www.elitemodellook.com/
Tumblr: elitemodellookinternational.tumblr.com/
Instagram: www.intagme.com/eml_int/
Flipboard: flip.it/BSCjZ