Bad News Bears 2 (4/10) Movie CLIP - Playboy Magazine (1977) HD

Bad News Bears 2 Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp/xeLupl
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The Bad News Bears have a pillow fight and Carmen (Jimmy Baio) gets a Playboy Magazine.
TM & ยฉ Paramount (2012)
Cast Jimmy Baio, Chris Barnes, Erin Blunt, Jaime Escobedo, George Gonzales, Jackie Earle Haley, Clifton James, Alfred Lutter III, Brett Marx, David Pollock, Jeffrey Louis Starr
Director Michael Pressman
MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel j.mp/vqieFG
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Producer Fred T. Gallo
Screenwriter Bill Lancaster
Film Description The misfit kiddie baseball team from the first film is given the opportunity to play in a Junior League match between double-header games at the Houston Astrodome. Two obstacles stand in their way beloved teammate Timmy Lupus (Quinn Smith) has broken his leg, and the team has no adult coach. Attempting to change their luck, star player Kelly Leak (Jackie Earle Haley) tries to talk his estranged dad (William Devane) into coaching and locates a self-proclaimed hotshot pitcher named Carmen Ronzonni (Jimmy Baio). Watch for quickie cameos by real-life Houston Astros members Robert J. Watson, Enos Cabell, Roger Metzger, James Richard, Joe Ferguson, Ken Forsch, William Virdon, and Cesar Cedeno.
"bad news bears 2","bad news bears 2 clip","bad news bears 2005","bad news bears 2005 part 1","jackie earle haley","brett marx","chris barnes","clifton james","david pollock","jaime escobedo","george gonzales","alfred lutter iii","erin blunt","jimmy baio","jeffrey louis starr","michael pressman","adult magazine videos","magazine videos","sports comedies","movie clips",movieclipsdotcom,#AMGV+++++3743,/m/05j6gb,/m/05l4vz,/m/07k3_0b,/m/0gc25m1,/m/01lxl6,/m/03wx8t,/m/03cd_4d,/m/02qfbfx,/m/0421q8_
click to subscribe j.mp/sNDUs5
The Bad News Bears have a pillow fight and Carmen (Jimmy Baio) gets a Playboy Magazine.
TM & ยฉ Paramount (2012)
Cast Jimmy Baio, Chris Barnes, Erin Blunt, Jaime Escobedo, George Gonzales, Jackie Earle Haley, Clifton James, Alfred Lutter III, Brett Marx, David Pollock, Jeffrey Louis Starr
Director Michael Pressman
MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel j.mp/vqieFG
Join our Facebook page j.mp/tb8OMH
Follow us on Twitter j.mp/rZzGsm
Buy Movie j.mp/AjnYtH
Producer Fred T. Gallo
Screenwriter Bill Lancaster
Film Description The misfit kiddie baseball team from the first film is given the opportunity to play in a Junior League match between double-header games at the Houston Astrodome. Two obstacles stand in their way beloved teammate Timmy Lupus (Quinn Smith) has broken his leg, and the team has no adult coach. Attempting to change their luck, star player Kelly Leak (Jackie Earle Haley) tries to talk his estranged dad (William Devane) into coaching and locates a self-proclaimed hotshot pitcher named Carmen Ronzonni (Jimmy Baio). Watch for quickie cameos by real-life Houston Astros members Robert J. Watson, Enos Cabell, Roger Metzger, James Richard, Joe Ferguson, Ken Forsch, William Virdon, and Cesar Cedeno.
"bad news bears 2","bad news bears 2 clip","bad news bears 2005","bad news bears 2005 part 1","jackie earle haley","brett marx","chris barnes","clifton james","david pollock","jaime escobedo","george gonzales","alfred lutter iii","erin blunt","jimmy baio","jeffrey louis starr","michael pressman","adult magazine videos","magazine videos","sports comedies","movie clips",movieclipsdotcom,#AMGV+++++3743,/m/05j6gb,/m/05l4vz,/m/07k3_0b,/m/0gc25m1,/m/01lxl6,/m/03wx8t,/m/03cd_4d,/m/02qfbfx,/m/0421q8_