Routine Traffic Stop - Bad Lieutenant (5/9) Movie CLIP (1992) HD

Bad Lieutenant Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp/LG8DeM
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The Lieutenant (Harvey Keitel) abuses his power when he pulls over two Jersey girls for a routine traffic violation, and forces them into a humiliating sexual situation.
TM & ยฉ Lionsgate (2012)
Cast Eddie Daniels, Bianca Hunter, Harvey Keitel
Director Abel Ferrara
MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel j.mp/vqieFG
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Producer Mary Kane, Diana Phillips, Edward R. Pressman, Randy Sabusawa, Patrick Wachsberger, Ronna B. Wallace
Screenwriter Victor Argo, Paul Calderon, Abel Ferrara, Zoรซ Lund
Film Description If police lieutenant Harvey Keitel's life could get any more sordid, he could probably sell tickets. The least of his vices is gambling, which has gotten him in Dutch with the mob. He abuses his body with drugs and his soul with hookers, and now he's turned to exploiting teenage girls for sex. Keitel is forced to reassess his life while investigating the rape of a nun. Director Abel Ferrara co-wrote the screenplay with Zoe Lund, who as Zoe Tamerlis starred in Ferrara's cult classic Ms. 45. A soundtrack tune by rapper Schoolly D, which was included in the initial release of Bad Lieutenant, featured a sample from Led Zeppelin which was used without permission; the song has since been excised from the soundtrack.
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click to subscribe j.mp/sNDUs5
The Lieutenant (Harvey Keitel) abuses his power when he pulls over two Jersey girls for a routine traffic violation, and forces them into a humiliating sexual situation.
TM & ยฉ Lionsgate (2012)
Cast Eddie Daniels, Bianca Hunter, Harvey Keitel
Director Abel Ferrara
MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel j.mp/vqieFG
Join our Facebook page j.mp/tb8OMH
Follow us on Twitter j.mp/rZzGsm
Buy Movie j.mp/JspUCS
Producer Mary Kane, Diana Phillips, Edward R. Pressman, Randy Sabusawa, Patrick Wachsberger, Ronna B. Wallace
Screenwriter Victor Argo, Paul Calderon, Abel Ferrara, Zoรซ Lund
Film Description If police lieutenant Harvey Keitel's life could get any more sordid, he could probably sell tickets. The least of his vices is gambling, which has gotten him in Dutch with the mob. He abuses his body with drugs and his soul with hookers, and now he's turned to exploiting teenage girls for sex. Keitel is forced to reassess his life while investigating the rape of a nun. Director Abel Ferrara co-wrote the screenplay with Zoe Lund, who as Zoe Tamerlis starred in Ferrara's cult classic Ms. 45. A soundtrack tune by rapper Schoolly D, which was included in the initial release of Bad Lieutenant, featured a sample from Led Zeppelin which was used without permission; the song has since been excised from the soundtrack.
"bad lieutenant","bad lieutenant clip","bad lieutenant trailer","bad lieutenant harvey keitel","harvey keitel","bianca hunter","eddie daniels","abel ferrara","gum videos",crime,drama,"edward r pressman","patrick wachsberger","ronna b wallace","diana phillips","mary kane","randy sabusawa","authority videos","character videos","control videos","ethics videos","injustice videos","morality videos","obedience videos","power videos","movie clips",movieclipsdotcom,#AMGV+++++3736,/m/07yx_ng,/m/0klh7