Zone Fighter (Ryusei Ningen Zon)
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20th Century Science Fiction and Horror Television
(171 items)list by Atomic Cinema
Published 9 years, 1 month ago
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The last remaining survivors of the now long gone planet, Peaceland, the Zone family soon found refuge on the planet Earth, where they took on the identity of the Sakimori family and began a peaceful new life. However, fate seemed to have other plans in store for them. The evil alien race that had destroyed Peaceland, known as the Garoga have now turned their eyes toward Earth as the next target in their never ending quest to conquer the universe. Shortly after discovering this, several members of the Zone family are kidnapped. Luckily, the Garoga did not expect the three children, Hikaru, Hotaru, and Akira to transform into Zon
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Atomic Cinema added this to a list 8 years, 2 months ago
20th Century Science Fiction and Horror Television (171 tv items)