Puella Magi Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) (2011)
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica Videos
Added 11 years ago
It's a sad anime filled with despair, hope, adventure and bad ass girls in tutu's.
Songs are awesome, art is great, and the overall story is amazing.
A must watch anime.

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"Is this another doremi-magical-girl flower power anime? That was my first reaction and at the point when i was like: "yes, it is" the anime slapped me in the face and showed me where i am here now. What a dark and amazing story, awesome characters and breathtaking moments this few episodes has is a masterclass. "
“(desactualizado, ya no estoy de acuerdo con esta reseña)
Pocos animes me parecen tan espantosos e insultantes al genero que intentan subvertir. Si, es una deconstrucción, pero que se vale únicamente del factor shock y del espectaculo de sangre para atraer a edgys que disfrutan de ver el sufrimiento ajeno. Tiene un par de elementos como el tema de los huevos y el peligro que corren si estos se corrompen por completo, con los que podría llegar a construir algún conflicto y tensión pero los desaprovecha para meter lesbianismo entre personajes planos que, literalmente, se quieren matar en un capitulo pero al siguiente se aman. Hablando de sus personajes, no tenemos tiempo ni de conocerlos ni el anime se molesta en que te importen, solo la peli azul tiene algo masomenos construi” read more
“Bueno, volví a ver Madoka Magica. Aun recuerdo los días en que esa serie estaba entre mis favoritas, fue cuando apenas me estaba introduciendo en el mundillo del anime y no sabía por donde empezar. Y claro, con nulo conocimiento sobre escritura, animación y guiado por puro entretenimiento, era de esperar una reacción positiva en mí. Pero ya que he vuelto con mucho mas conocimiento, veamos que impresiones me dejó.
Para empezar, debo apuntar a su legado a otros mahou shojos, el cual es perjudicial, todas las series que se inspiran o de plano copían ideas de madoka son siempre una porquería llena de niñas sufriendo y una excusa de premisa para que ocurra. Misma mierda que pasó con Elfen Lied, cagada. Una formula perfecta para conseguir dinero shockeando a los normies y en” read more

"Does anyone remember how overexposed Madoka Magica was a few years ago? It was overwhelming! So I EVENTUALLY got myself to watch it, and... it's actually decent. I was afraid it would be as painful as Evangelion (which is higher on this list), but it actually succeeds where Evangelion failed. An interesting story that completely deconstructs magical girl tropes halfway through. Characters I actually had some investment towards (i.e. Homura). Actually ending with some kind of closure. However, on"

"It's viscerally impactful and leaves and impression, but is ultimately hollow, and the more you think about it the more you unravel eventually finding nothing. It's an exercise in subversion, and while I find this inherently objectionable, that it's a really unpleasant viewing experience is undeniable, and visually, though on the heavier handed side, it is effective. Still, where's the heart, you know? Yes it leaves an unpleasant taste, but without the substance of well written characters, which"

"This anime. This is the anime that I think of whenever someone says anime. This anime right here is what I think an anime is and what it should be. So what does Madoka do to make me think that this is what sort of represents anime? Well I don't think it represents anime, I do feel like whenever someone says anime, something like Madoka Magica pops into my head. When I was young I always imagined what some of the animes I'm missing out are like and Madoka Magica is the closest thing to what I tho"