Political Animals (2012)
list by BradWesley123

list by mojack

Political Animals

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“Political Animals wants to act like a distaff West Wing, a thinly veiled account of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential bid. A great foundation for a juicy story about politics, journalism, and family legacies in the public sector is laid, but then it veers off course. Wildly off course, in fact, dipping into Dynasty-style soap opera gimmicks. Thankfully, Sigourney Weaver, Carla Gugino, Ellen Burstyn, and Sebastian Stan are involved to keep things moving and (generally) working. Weaver and Gugino in particular tear into their monologues and scenes together, beginning as adversaries and slowly coming to begrudgingly respect and support each other. These actresses deserve a script as smart and tough as their work. Unfortunately, the creative team decided that the beautifu” read more