Gosei Sentai Dairanger (五星戦隊ダイレンジャー) (1993)
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Gosei Sentai Dairanger Videos

Update feed

"11 Changes 28 Keys Used (23 Male / 4 Female / 1 Giant Robot) 3 Gender Swaps (3 Male-to-Female) 6 Color Swaps (4 Silver-to-White / 1 Yellow-to-Green / 1 Silver-to-Yellow) Episode 5: Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink Episode 12: Red (Marvelous) Episode 22: All Six Episode 33: All Six Episode 43: Green (Luka) Episode 44: Yellow (Gai) Episode 45: Green (Don) Gokaiger vs Gavan (Movie): White (Gai) Episode 47: Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, White Episode 51: Blue (Joe) Go-Busters vs Gokaiger (Movie): Mecha"

"Tons of fun with an enjoyable plot. Wish the Yellow Ranger got as much development as the rest of the cast. Found the main cast to be enjoyable including Kou. The ending I found to be super odd though."

"Gosei Sentai Dairanger by New JACK Takurō Nothing against the singer personally, but I realized that my frustration with this theme is the way that he sings it. Takayoshi Tanimoto performed a cover of this theme at the 2017 Kamen Rider/Super Sentai live show and for the first time I actually got super into it. Which I can't say about the original version. It even has a Ranger roll call sing-along and I just don't care."

"The 3 Stooges' Super Baseball! Genre Shift: Baseball Episode Plot The 3 Stooges are back and challenge Shoji to a baseball game in order to free themselves from the Gorma."