Barney & Friends (Barney) (1992)
list by Langley

list by Mr. Saturn

list by Joseph Grey

list by Happy Vader

Barney & Friends Videos
Hard to believe I used to like this.
Why do I hate it now,you ask? Here's why: I Love You is a gay song,Barney's laugh is creepy,and the acting is sickening.
UPC: 045986028228

Update feed

"Barney es un dinosaurio que vive en Sinaloa ♫ Cuando escucha al comander se altera y extorsiona ♫"

"Barney, el dinosaurio que amaba "DEMASIADO" a los niños. *Insertar risa malvada* xD En serio. Eviten verla y más aún si tienen hijos pequeños. Por algo Mattel la canceló."

"un buen programa preescolar y en latino a de ser mas conocido ya que su voz son una de que todos pueden imitar incluso un actor mexicano hace su voz."

"I know this show is for really little kids, but it was one of the first shows to inspire my creativity and imagination. I loved the Christmas episodes where they went to the North Pole, and when they threw big Halloween parties or explored the beach and under the sea, or an enchanted island and on a ship. Most of the episodes of this show were extremely imaginative and inspirational. It was definitely one of my favorites growing up."