Avatar: The Last Airbender update feed

"February 26th S1 E1: "Aang" S1 E2: "Warriors" February 27th S1 E3: "Omashu" February 28th S1 E4: "Into the Dark" February 29th S1 E5: "Spirited Away" S1 E6: "Masks""

"I expected more consistency to be honest. Good character design and some combat scenes, but the dilogues are terrible, incoherent behaviour of the characters and some illogical decisions. This show made me want to revise the cartoon version. I honestly think that One Pieve live action did a much better job at this."

"It wasn't that terrible, you fuckers are exaggerating. Is more faithful than the One Piece one. It is clumsily written and directed, very amateurish, and I hate the 8 episode limit. Too much CGI sometimes. Water down version of the characters. Too serious in tone. Bad mixing of plots, but there are some nice additions and correct representation of certain events. There are really bad changes, like Aang not escaping his duty when he leaves and gets caught on the storm pre war. The whole spirit w"