New uploads broken

Idk if it's just me but I tried to upload pics, clicked on them and they were broken :/

Same here.

When did you notice it starting? My latest uploads were from last night and just fine. Only one pic from 6 years ago has a broken link, now.

Is it yet another problem with Listal's server? The uploads from my site are also broken!

Still ongoing. Has been happening since I started this thread

Looks like this started about 10 hours ago. I will message Tom

Facing this issue at the moment. Had to delete the uploads

I was able to upload pictures (Jennifer Lopez and Sarah Hyland) but not to one of my Lists (Sarah Michelle Gellar - AI Images 5).

I have broken pictures as well.

Seems to have started yesterday. Three of my uploads from yesterday morning are fine, but I did delete one from yesterday afternoon and two from today that were broken.

Same here, since yesterday evening.

Just did a test upload, it looks good - (fingers crossed)

@TrekMedic - I notice one of your images, the last one you posted, is now a broken thumbnail, so dont know if we are fixed or not.

The problem persists. Also some old uploaded pics are not loading either now :((

The fix was brief now it's broken again, just uploaded pics and they're both broken

Same here.

It must be those times when Tom looks away from the site and takes some time to return.

@pdw: thanks for the head's up. I'll see if I can try again.

Pretty much.

I keep testing periodically. They keep breaking. So I delete the failures.

Still down, as mentioned some older pics are also not opening. Have messaged Tom a couple of times now.

Still no joy in Mudville.

Annoying, I have dropped Tom another message today and understand TrekMedic has done the same. Can only suggest the more of us who message him maybe the sooner something might get done!!

My old image lists have practically all pictures broken.
I messaged Tom too when this thread was started.
I messaged Tom too when this thread was started.

Yikes! getting pretty bad out here. Old lists are falling apart and can't list new images.

Ditto. 15 year old pics can't be viewed anymore. Tom saw this before when he switched servers and I think some of the mods were aware it was happening, too.

Some of it seems to be coming back to life, but notice newly posted images are still not opening.

Also loads of images from 1 year ago are still not opening.

Agreed. Pics that I recently added to my lists were broken thumbs, but now are viewable again. However, new uploads are still broken.

More and more Downtimes and Bugs,good Uploaders like perod and kendraatje leave the Board. No one seems to care about the Problems,seems Listal tumbled to the End.

Agreed, and we were told the new server would be more stable and better, apparently not. Broken thumbnails have been occuring on this latest outage for 6 days now!

Yes, admin leaves the site to rot, then returns after considerable time and fix things. Then the cycle continues.
It's a shame, without the bugs Listal is the best internet site that I've ever visited.
It's a shame, without the bugs Listal is the best internet site that I've ever visited.

You would think less new content would lead to fewer clicks and hurt the revenue generated by the site.

Honestly, I love this site but these bugs are so annoying.
First we had to reupload a ton of photos because of the server issue.
Now, we just can't see the photos we uploaded.
We report duplicated profiles and nothing is done, the merge forum is abandoned, we report duplicated photos and it takes weeks for anyone to do something about it.
First we had to reupload a ton of photos because of the server issue.
Now, we just can't see the photos we uploaded.
We report duplicated profiles and nothing is done, the merge forum is abandoned, we report duplicated photos and it takes weeks for anyone to do something about it.

haven't visited the site for a few weeks but i'm not surprised to come back to broken uploads

Not helped by the fact it seems only Tom can fix issues, its a shame that its down to just one person who can do this.

Incredible that this has been going on for a full week with no response from the site admin. He must be making money on other things that require his attention.

I'm genuinely curious about what Tom's plans are (if any). Does he make any money off of this site?
I too stopped coming by so often after the server issue in Aug/Sep. Honestly kind of grateful as I spent WAY too much time on this site over the many years!!
I too stopped coming by so often after the server issue in Aug/Sep. Honestly kind of grateful as I spent WAY too much time on this site over the many years!!

Is there a plan to fix the broken uploads? I run across broken uploads far too often