broken images

Since yesterday...someone fix it please!!

Admin could not care less about this site anymore as long as the ad revenue keeps rolling in

It is a possibility, yes.
It is a possibility, yes.

The admin is probably busy with other stuff, this is an "old" site so it makes sense it's not too moderated now a days. I think patience should be enough, it's already a privilege to have this site running and not taken down.

Just messaged Tom directly to see if he can fix the problem for us.

Same here.

it would appear that way, even pics i uploaded a week ago are broken won't be surprised if this lasts almost a whole month like last time

Still dead on my end?

I doubt it's fixed since I'm still seeing broken images when you click to see an image full size. Just uploaded a pic right now and it's blank when you click to view it full size.

So I am seeing all images other than those in landscape format which are still broken.

Have dropped Tom a message to see if he could investigate these type of images, assume its size related.

From my end, when I click a picture then I click it again to see it in full size (you do this my clicking the thumbnail then clicking the image again and it'll take you to a full size photo) it's broken there's nothing there but that little icon. This is affecting a lot of pictures on my end, even pics go backing months and years. I've messaged Tom about this, but yeah, pics may not look broken thumbnail wise and when you click it but when you click it again to view it full size, it's blank and broken.

It's very hit-or-miss right now. Pictures that I posted yesterday are fine, but pics from 2 years ago are broken?

Yes, still the same this morning. It appears to be larger images, those in landscape format, and as @Bloo mentions any image which normally gives you the option to open in a larger format does not now open.

Still blank over here.

All landscape images are broken

Everything is broken on my end.

The HQ versions of all of my pics are doing it. I think Tom said something about it being in the coding (like when everyone's profile pic became super-sized) ?

Still canโt see anything.

@TrekMedic - have you messaged Tom? I will drop him another message.

@pdw55, I have not. Just moved to another part of the country and having some issues with the new house. Do you mind messaging him ?

I messaged Tom about the landscape pictures broken, the more people message him the better.

I have twice, once when it started and again yesterday.

Only one horizontal pic has loaded for me so far that too only once and in low quality (6371438). The problem in general still persists

Even many vertical images appear broken upon clicking

It would appear images are no longer broken. Just clicked a landscape image and it showed up.

Still broken on my end.

I can see the images now. It's working

Still nothing on my end.

Still nothing.

Its weird why this is happening to you. I know when I has an issue with the overlarge image on my Avatar and it kept messing up my account, nothing seemed to work and then one day when I cleared my cache & cookies and logged back in to the site and all was working properly again.
Assume Tom could'nt help with this?
Assume Tom could'nt help with this?

I havenโt heard anything lately.

new images are not loading
many older images are not loading
many older images are not loading

Still blank here.

Listal is a casual job to Tom. I think it will always be treated like this.

It's hit or miss for me. Some of the pics under my personal profile are broken, some aren't. No rhyme or reason for it. All of the pics I uploaded today are broken.

Well, I just dumped a bunch and all of them are OK, so,....(fingers crossed),...

I have no idea what to do now.

Itโs still broken.

Only certain lists seem broken, but most of my experience is alright

Not me. All dead.

That's REALLY frustrating to hear! I mean, your home page has a hanging end bold command somewhere, but I'm not seeing anything on your lists.

Is there anyway to fix this issue?