Philip Keung
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1. The Heroic Trio (1993)
Rating: | 49 Watched |

2. Drug War (2012)
Rating: | 72 Watched |

3. Kill Zone 2
Rating: | 30 Watched |

4. Beast Stalker (2008)
Rating: | 24 Watched |
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shotswerefired added this to a list 3 years, 2 months ago

" "The first time I met Brother Man Ji was at a banquet. We became friends very fast after that night. I was working in the food industry during that time. There were hardly any jobs in acting for both tv and film. It was fortunate that I have my own business and managed to keep myself afloat through that." "Whenever Alex was in Hong Kong, he would visit me at my restaurant and invite me to have dinner with him. He would also introduce me to various producers and people who worked in the film i"
shotswerefired posted a image 3 years, 2 months ago