Phil Leeds
Born: 6 April 1916 Died: 16 August 1998
Country of origin: United States
Height: 5' 6"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Toby Brandt
9 votes
Directed by Roman Polanski
(249 items)list by diabolical dr voodoo
Published 13 years, 7 months ago
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Phil Leeds is one of those for whom the phrase "character actor" was invented. A slight, wizened man with a rubbery face, bulging eyes and a Jimmy Durante-like nose, he excelled at playing weaselly little snitches, con artists, or just a neighborhood eccentric who always had something up his sleeve. Born in New York, his entrance into the "entertainment" business began with a job as a peanut vendor at the city's baseball stadiums, and from there, he began a stint as a stand-up comic in the "Borscht Belt" up in the Catskill Mountains, opening for many of the top acts of the day. He had a short career
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