Rehearsals for Departure
If you were to take the promising moments from Damien Jurado's first album, Waters Ave. S., and factor in a few years' worth of maturity, it still wouldn't add up to this spectacular achievement. The Evergreen State's self-tagged "urban folksinger" has sharpened his songwriting skills and streamlined his musical attack. Simple, finger-picked acoustic guitar graces most of the tracks and when matched with Jurado's nasal whine (which shares a few adenoids with Freedy Johnston) creates a genuine emotional intensity. "Ohio" is the perfectly shaped tale of a girl abducted from her mother and made to live with her
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Manufacturer: Sub Pop
Release date: 9 March 1999
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0098787044027 UPC: 098787044027
Release date: 9 March 1999
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0098787044027 UPC: 098787044027
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