Men's Needs Women's Needs Whatever: Limited Edition/+DVD
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Favourite Albums of 2007
(57 items)list by El Paulo
Published 17 years, 11 months ago

Album Description
Limited edition two disc (CD + PAL/Region 0 DVD) pressing of the third album from the brotherly British trio (Ryan, Gary and Ross Jarman) featuring a bonus DVD that contains a tour documentary. Men's Needs, Women's Needs Whatever is the follow-up to their 2005 breakthrough album The New Fellas. Their past success allowed them the freedom to pick their producer and the band ended up choosing Franz Ferdinand maninman Alex Kapranos, who was on the same musical wavelength and understood what the band wanted to achieve. Features 12 tracks including the first single 'Men's Needs'. Wichita.
Album Details
2007 Limite
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Manufacturer: Wichita
Release date: 21 May 2007
EAN: 5055036241267
Release date: 21 May 2007
EAN: 5055036241267
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